Facet5 is a normative tool approved and registered by the British Psychological Society, with strong Polish norms. It was designed for business on the basis of the Big Five theory and the principles of positive psychology. The Facet5 system is fully available on-line and provides users with complete independence in its use. It measures 5 key factors and 13 sub-factors of the human personality, which have a bearing on the results achieved at work.
Human to Business has been an accredited user of this method since 2011 and utilises this modern tool in its projects:
- external recruitment
- Assessment & Development Centre
- Balance of Competencies
- individual and team coaching
- motivating by recognising individual differences and utilisation of resources
- development of leadership skills
- building effective teams
- conflict resolution.
Facet5 supports our Consultants in identifying and analysing people’s behaviours in the work environment, thanks to which our recommendations are accurate and reliable.