CxO Academy
How to become a leader, you want to be?
For managers who want to consciously develop their leadership competencies through peer-to-peer exchange and successfully jump successive stages of career and business roles.
What our clients say?
"I want to know what I need to change in order to succeed"
"I want to know how to convince my boss and my colleagues to my ideas"
"I need to build authority"
"I want to quickly embrace my new role"
"I want to assure my boss that the decision to promote me is right"
"I want to do first things first, not just urgent"
"I want to be effective"
"I need more control and impact"
Proposed value
We offer a development program, in which you learn by sharing experiences, receiving feedback from people like you (peer-to-peer), changing perspectives and business contexts.
Delegating in business - make time for what is most important.
Self-management, influence and authority in hiperconnected word.
Making decisions, influence and broader view. How to escape the silo of single perspective.
Career management and management in times of change. Go where you want to go, not where a mere coincidence carries you.
The content of the program has been adapted to the realities of businesses and the needs of the participants in specific situations. It has been verified through feedback from mature, effective leaders and managers.
The workshop is offered in the form of four one-day meetings for up to 8 people at once. To get the most out of it and mutually exploit the knowledge and skills of other participants, workshop facilitators prefer group members from different companies of similar seniority, experience or position.
"Errors are how assumptions become visible. And there is nothing more valuable than a newly discovered assumption, because only then can you see what’s holding you back and what could propel you forward". David Weinberger, co-author of "The Clutrain Manifesto".
"Lots of progress that has been made in science over the last century and more comes from the mavericks, or people that think a little differently". Chris Darimont, wolf biologist.
What is included?
- Know-how arising from experience of participants / partners, coaches, management practices and business psychology
- People who will challenge themselves.
- Your strenghts you can build upon.
- Opportunity to test, explore, experiment and make mistakes in a safe environment.
- You will exit the silo of your beliefs, learn what is blocking you and what is pushing you forward.
- Valuable feedback.
- Inspiration, new energy, a broader perspective.
- Re-working real business situations.
What is excluded?
- Binder of training materials and collectible knowledge.
- "Trainer - bench - participant" relationship.
- Trainer's evaluation of your progress. Your life evaluates you.
- The ideal fix for every situation.
The program is designed for CEOs, directors of various functions, board members, senior managers.
- You take responsibility for your own development.
- You open yourself to learning through collaboration, co-operation and exchange.
Arkadiusz Dawid
Katarzyna Grzybowska-Tomaszek
Whend and where?
Please contact our office to individually choose the timing and the appropriate group.